Tricep plays an important part while flexing your arms. Here we have a list of Tricep workout with dumbbells at home. It is a short muscle to train but a significant one.
While flexing muscles triceps are not that much notice as compared to the broad bicep, that doesn't mean we shouldn't focus on it.
To gain overall strength we need to train all muscles with equal efforts and efficiency.
If you are a beginner then before hitting to exercise you should focus on warming up too.
We prepared a list of exercises that will boost your tricep strength and endurance.
- Close-Grip Pushup
- Bench Dips
- Close-Grip Bench Press
- EZ Bar Skull Crushers
- Triceps Gravity Press
- Tall Kneeling Triceps Pressdowns
- Triceps Kickback
- Plank Hold Triceps Finisher
- Rep Range– 3 to 5 sets of 8-15 reps for moderate and lightweight.
Rest Time– It differs from body to body but not more than 40 secs.
Close-Grip Pushup
Close-Grip Pushup is a bodyweight exercise. You don't have any equipment for this. It is a bonus exercise to advance the pump but doesn't take it as an easy one.
- Get in a pushup stance, put hands under your shoulder width (Your palms don't need to touch each other), Your hands should form a triangle like structure.
- Tight your core, Squeez your glutes.
- Lower your body by bending your elbows (like done in pushups). Maintain your posture by maintaining chest, lower back, glutes in a straight line.
- Your elbows should not flare outsides, Try to maintaining your elbows near your chest.
- Back to the initial position.
Bench Dips
It is also a bodyweight movement, similar to pushups but with few modifications. Only you require a bench or any surface which is a minimum of 2 feet higher than the ground.
Caution - Don't do this exercise if you have any wrist or shoulder pain, mobility issues.
- Sit on a bench and place your hands beside your hips with knuckles facing outwards.
- Extend your legs straight or be in a chair like a posture(If you are trying it the first time)
- contract your glutes, core to maintain stability.
- Contract your shoulder to push your torso up then lower yourself to the depth you are comfortable with while maintaining the mind-muscle connection with the tricep.
- Then contract your tricep to extend your arms and lift yourself.
Close- Grip Bench Press
While hearing bench press, your mind assumes it is a chest exercise but with slight modification with barbell grip you can assign all tension to tricep muscle.
- Get an overhead grip on the barbell.
- Hold the barbell near your lower chest.
- Dropdown the barbell slowly (like in chest Press)by keeping your elbows near your chest while focusing on the tricep.
- Straight your elbow.
EZ Bar Skull Crushers
It is a movement in which you can isolate your tricep completely.
- Place your feet on the floor or bench as per your comfort.
- Create tension on glutes and core by squeezing them to achieve extra stability.
- Lift barbell above your chest, maintain a little bit of tension on the shoulder and mid-back.
- Begin to lower the bar near the head by fixing your upper arm, move only your elbow joint.
- Return to the initial position.
Triceps Gravity Press
This exercise is similar to the EZ bar skull crusher but it is done via dumbbells but provides great tension to the triceps.
- Lie on the bench holding dumbbells over your shoulder, contract your core too.
- Bend elbows so that your forearms become parallel to the ground while fixing your upper arm straight.
- Slowly extend your arms to the initial position.
Tricep Kickback
It is one of the effective ways to fire your muscle if done by maintaining correct posture.
- Hold a dumbbell in one hand, Hinge forward while supporting your body with bench, wall, etc (As shown in the GIF below)
- Elevate your elbow (parallel to the ground)
- Maintaining your upper arm fix i.e parallel to the ground try to straighten your lower arm while squeezing the tricep.
(While performing this exercise contract your shoulder and core)
Tall Kneeling Triceps Pressdown
It is a very basic exercise to develop your triceps, keep your elbow and torso parallel while kneeling on the ground. You can do this exercise with help of a resistance band.
- Keep your thighs, torso in line, and glutes, abs tight (for stability) while kneeling on the ground.
- Maintain your posture so that you didn't lean forward.
- Hold two ends of the resistance band and straighten your arms while fixing the upper arm.
- While returning to the initial posture, try to maintain max. 45 degrees (not less than this) between forearms and upper arm.
Plank Hold Triceps Finisher
It is an exercise by which you can hit your core and tricep same time. It also maintains constant tension on the tricep.
- Hold dumbbell as per your strength.
- Get in plank position and while holding a dumbbell(as Shown in the GIF below)
- Now balance yourself on one hand and perform tricep kickback
- Do this process one by one by both hands.
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