When your toenails have become infected with bacteria and fungus, you may notice your toenail becoming dark and thick. This can cause quite a bit of embarrassment, as it's not easy to hide a toenail that is already turned black and thick. The most common causes of hangnails are nail fungal infections and nail trauma.
Nail fungal infections are usually caused by a yeast known as dermatophytes. They feed off of keratin found in the outer layer of the nail plate. These fungi typically infect the nails in warm and moist areas such as fingernails, toenails, and even between the toes. Even though fungal infections don't generally spread, they can be quite a nuisance and cause severe pain when left untreated. As the infection progresses, your toenails may start to change in shape and size until they are completely distorted.
When the toenail gets infected with dermatophytes, it produces keratin which is similar to the protein keratin found in your hair. When the keratin in the nail plate grows out of control, the nail becomes thickened and becomes a fungal infection. One of the best ways to treat a hanging or infected nail is to cut it off at the base. When it's possible, you should try to expose the nail bed to air as much as possible. If it's impossible to do this, the next best thing is to get rid of the nail and treat the infected area.
Fungal growth on the other hand can occur anywhere on the nail. It can grow on the toenail, the fingernail, the big toe, and even between the toes. Fungi typically grow in areas where the nail has been broken or damaged. Some of the more common causes of hangnails are trauma to the nail, an infection, over-exposure to chemicals such as nail polish or artificial nails, or simply as part of the nail cycle. If you wear artificial nails or a special nail polish that contains toxic substances, you may have a higher chance of getting a hangnail. You should take care to use natural nail polish when working around areas that contain chemicals.
The causes for growing hangnails are varied. It can be caused by trauma, such as pulling or bending the nail too far back. It can be caused by a fungal infection. It can even be the result of a poor diet and lack of exercise. But whatever the cause, it's important to know how to treat and prevent them so they don't become a nuisance.
If you do grow a hangnail, you should apply some sort of topical treatment to the affected area. There are many over-the-counter products available, but you may need a prescription to get stronger or specialized medication. Keep the area clean and wear clean gloves or rubber gloves whenever the application is being made. If your hangnail does not clear up within a few weeks, it's time to see a doctor. A severe case may require surgery to cure.
Hangnails: Causes And Treatment
The most commonly known type of nail abnormality is dry, brittle, and deformed nails that often appear as ugly, unsightly, and inconvenient protrusions on the fingertips, as well as other areas. These unsightly features are due to the infection called "Hangnails" that occurs when there is an overgrowth of bacteria within the nail bed that actually pierces the outer protective layer of the nail and allows a gradual entry of liquid. Once, infection sets in, it can spread through the entire nail and form silvery white or yellowish discoloration of the nail. This condition is often associated with a fungal infection called Onychomycosis. Other causes for hangnails include injuries to the nail, dry cracked skin, and nail trauma.
To treat these infections, doctors first perform a simple and painless biopsy. From this point, the doctor can determine the exact cause of the infection and consequently formulate an effective cure. In most cases, doctors prefer a cure with natural ingredients, since prescription drugs have a high potential for side effects. For those who are suffering from chronic nail infection, the best solution may be a natural cure with homeopathic ingredients. For severe cases, where the infection has penetrated the inner protective layer of the nail, surgery may be required.
There are various types of homeopathic infection treatment available such as Berberis Vulgaris, Belladonna, and Staphysagris. These remedies contain substances that when applied topically, help to strengthen the immune system. Once again, natural remedies are preferred because they do not pose the risks of side effects that accompany prescription drugs. If the infection is severe, surgery may be required in order to remove the infected portion of the nail. The entire nail should then be replaced in its entirety.
Although natural cures are by far more preferable than prescription drugs, their effectiveness is not instantaneous. This is why it is important that you follow your treatment regimen and keep your nails neatly trimmed. Because these infections occur below the surface of the nail, it can be difficult to spot them unless they are extremely thick. Fortunately, once you have experienced an infection, you can easily apply and follow up with homeopathic treatment. Once your infection is under control, you will no longer have to worry about unsightly hangnails!
To find out which infection treatment to use, ask your doctor what his or her recommendations are. Many doctors recommend the use of over-the-counter products that contain ingredients such as Minoxidil and Zantac. Although these products do not always work very well, many people do experience relief from their infection symptoms. If these home remedies do not show any positive results, you should consult your doctor. Your doctor may also be able to recommend a pharmaceutical prescription product that is more effective.
Although it may take several weeks before you begin to see visible results, once you have cured your infection, you will be delighted with the overall appearance of your nails. You will be able to put your own sense of style back into your appearance! To cure a fungal infection treatment, keep your nails trimmed neatly and dry, clean and moisturized between manicures.
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