Being a commercial kitchen owner, you must maintain your kitchen canopy properly. This means you should regularly and periodically get the grease, oil, and other impurities cleaned from the canopy as they are dangerous for your staff and the environment. The result of an unclean commercial kitchen canopy can be catastrophic and can also result in fires. So, just like any surface or tool in your kitchen, your canopy also needs regular cleaning. The cleaning frequency may depend on the kind of food served by your restaurant.
Why Should You Get your Commercial Kitchen Canopy Cleaned?
When it comes to cooking of any type, many effluents like smoke, moisture, and grease are produced. With a working canopy, these components get drawn up via the canopy, the filters, and finally to the building’s ductwork. Once there is enough buildup, it may become a fire hazard. You can prevent this situation only through regular cleaning. A canopy cleaning service is always best left to the experts. Professional canopy cleaners Melbourne have the necessary equipment and the required experience. Ensure to leave the canopy cleaning work to qualified and trained canopy cleaners if you notice the following signs:
Poorly Working Canopy
If your canopy is not doing what it is intended to do properly, then it is a sign that it is time to get it checked by the professionals. A major issue that you may face initially is an accumulation of smoke as the canopy gets clogged with oil and fat deposits. It isn’t strange, it means that your canopy needs cleaning. If you don’t get the cleaning done on time, you may face some major malfunctioning and more complications. There can be buzzing or vibrations in the canopy as well.
The Canopy Cleaning Took Place Long Ago
If it has been over a year that you hired expert canopy cleaners to clean your commercial kitchen canopy, then you should hire one immediately. This is something that should be carried out regularly and periodically, otherwise, you will have to face some serious consequences and complications.
You Can’t Keep Everything Clean
It may look like an odd sign. However, let’s elaborate. You clean nearly every surface and most equipment in your commercial kitchen daily. But it is not possible to keep all of them neat and clean always. One such piece of equipment is the kitchen canopy. It works to accumulate grease, oil, and dirt. Well, these elements get accumulated in the whole equipment. Hence, your system does not remain highly effective always. It may result in its malfunctioning. You may clean the outer surface of the canopy but you may not be able to clean every part of it. So, when you feel that the grease, oil, and fumes are not collected by your canopy, it is assigned to get it cleaned.
Unpleasant Odor
Smell is another sign you should keep your eyes on. This smell refers to a musty odor that is a result of the collected dirt. This can be dangerous as it is flammable. The fat deposits can also have settled down in different parts of the canopy and its results in increasing risk every day. Without any prior hint, you may need to face some serious consequences. Due to this, you should be aware of any unpleasant odor coming from your commercial kitchen canopy and never ignore it. And if you experience it, you should immediately stop the equipment and call professional cleaners to help you.
What Does A Canopy Cleaning Process Involve?
There are many basic steps involved in a canopy cleaning service. Firstly, it is vital to remove the traps that are there at the openings. Following that the fat deposits should be removed. This can be done using hot water and commercial cleaning solutions. Once cleaning is finished, the whole surface should be wiped and left to air dry. Both the inner and outer surfaces of the canopy should be cleaned properly. The professional canopy cleaners possess all the tools and solutions required to clean a canopy thoroughly. They act fast and wipe out the surface well once they are done with the cleaning process.
When Should I Schedule The Cleaning Again?
Don’t let the above-mentioned situations occur to get your commercial kitchen canopy cleaned. Find out yourself when the right time occurs. This is not at all complicated as there is a standard time for every piece of equipment in the kitchen, especially for commercial kitchens. For heavy-use kitchens, this should be done every three months. While for moderate or less usage, this may vary from 6 months to annually.
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