Praxis EMR is a highly flexible and unique electronic medical records solution that uses artificial intelligence technology. It was developed in 1989 by Infor-Med Corporation. It is a very well known EHR software with so many excellent features to offer to its customers. Praxis EMR has been winning the hearts of physicians for a very long time and we think it is an excellent choice for EMR Software. Without further delay, let’s get into the top features that it offers.
Appointment Scheduling
If you have tried any EHR software, you might know that not all EHR software has all the right tools for scheduling. Praxis EMR understands the importance of having all the right tools for appointment scheduling. This is one area where if everything is done right, clinical efficiency will improve for sure. Scheduling not only includes appointment scheduling and cancellation but also offers appointment reminders and alerts. When an appointment is canceled by the doctor or the patient, alerts are sent to the other person. If the appointments are scheduled, reminder alerts are sent. This way a whole system works in an organized manner with very few chances of disruptions. Once you start using this tool, you’ll experience a rapid increase in clinical efficiency. Time is not wasted and the whole system is streamlined.
We all know how important creating good reports is. Whether it’s a business field, marketing field, or medical field, we all are aware that reporting is extremely important and how the maintenance can take a lot of energy and time. Reporting can get very boring and frustrating if done by someone manually. When a task becomes boring and starts feeling like a headache, the level of accuracy decreases because the errors increase.
Praxis EMR offers excellent reporting tools that not only get the job done faster but also keep a check on the accuracy levels. Not only is the fear of reports getting lost goes away but they are all saved in one place which means people can access it whenever they feel like checking the progress of the company. The administrative load is reduced and the financial efficiency improves.
Patient Portal
Some tasks require serious focus and attention. One of the tasks that require complete attention and effort from staff is Patient History. With the help of Praxis EMR, you can build comprehensive patient histories with the close of no staff required. Patient Portal is convenient for every user and is required by users in almost every EHR software. To be able to access your patient’s data before an encounter can be really helpful for the doctors. It helps them understand the case/condition better. This feature helps improve efficiency level as it integrates with Practice Management software with no trouble at all. The accuracy levels increase and easily customizable bubble forms can be created.
The documentation process can take a lot of your time as well as your energy. Praxis realizes that quality of care will only improve if tasks like documentation are taken care of by somebody else and can be done faster. Documents need to be accurate and error free which is why Praxis makes sure to provide all the tools that are needed to create and manage documents in the best way possible. This not only increases efficiency but also saves so much time. The productivity at the workplace also increases and the administrative work load is reduced.
One of the most important aspects of any EHR software is that it should be able to have templates that make sense to you. Praxis EMR's price might seem high but honestly, they have templates for various specialties that can be customized for your practice. Overall, having customizable templates that cater to your specialty is incredibly helpful. It helps processes get done quicker and helps you diagnose and treat a patient much quicker since you do not have to constantly have a struggle with the paperwork. This is a very important feature as it is required by almost every other physician.
If you want to test these features out, you can book a Praxis EMR demo on Software Finder.
Praxis EMR is an excellent EHR Software overall but the top five features that it offers are scheduling, reporting, Charting, Patient Portal, and templates. If you are looking for an EHR Software, make sure to check out Praxis EMR.
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