An accident is an unplanned event that is always undesirable for everyone. It can happen at any time. Here, it actually does not matter that how careful you are. The responsible party can be anyone on the road. Like you were unconsciously walking on the road and did not notice a car coming. After that, an accident happened. This kind of accident is called a pedestrian accident.
Most of the time, people think that the faulty party is the car driver. But sometimes, it may not be that. The pedestrian may cause the accident also. Are you wondering what will be happened then? If you are, then this article is only for you.
Here we will discuss what happens if a pedestrian caused an accident. You will find everything here that you are searching for. So, without discussing any further things, let’s get into the discussion.
By the way, do you need any lawyer for an accident where a pedestrian is involved? If you do, we will recommend hiring someone from the best pedestrian injury lawyer in Alberta.
What happens if a pedestrian caused an accident
After any kind of accident, the first thing you should do is make sure that both parties are safe. For any kind of medical emergency, you have to ensure that the injured person is getting medical help without thinking anything.
In that case, you can only exchange the victim's primary information if you think that the pedestrian is the faulty person. There are several cases conducting nowadays where the pedestrian doesn’t follow the traffic rules and some accidents occurring.
So, at that time, as a driver, you will be able to get compensation from the pedestrian according to the law of Canada. In that case, you need to prove that the pedestrian was actually the person responsible for the accident. Here an experienced lawyer can help you a lot. Besides, you can do it yourself.
Rules for pedestrians and drivers
Firstly, you need to check that the pedestrian maintained all the traffic rules or not when a pedestrian causes an accident. There are some rules on the road as a pedestrian. At the same time, as a motor vehicle driver, you also have some rules and responsibilities for the people walking on the road. Let’s check these out:
Rules of crossing the road
As a pedestrian, you have to cross the road only through a crosswalk or guided by the traffic police. Even if the road is free, you should not cross the road randomly anywhere.
Drivers are required to yield to the pedestrian
Whenever a pedestrian crosses the cross through a crosswalk, the driver has to yield to the pedestrian and wait until they finish crossing the road.
Pedestrians have to avoid using the roadway
You should always avoid walking on the direct road. Always try to use a sidewalk except on that road where there are no sidewalks.
Pedestrian should avoid highways also
Never try to cross or walk on the highways because all vehicles' speed is always high, and it is always impossible to notice a small object on this kind of big road. So, always try to avoid it.
These are mainly the rules and regulations that should be respected and maintained by both pedestrians and drivers. Almost all people know these rules and regulations. Then again, an accident is happening all the time.
How pedestrians cause accidents
Now let’s check out how a pedestrian causes an accident.
Walking while distracted
The accident can happen when if you are walking on the road while you are distracted and thinking anything else.
Impaired walking
If you have taken any drugs and then walk on the road, an accident can happen because you will not be fully conscious there to walk carefully.
Entered into a restricted area
In the restricted areas where pedestrians are not allowed, the speed of the vehicle will be high. At that time, if you enter that area, it may cause an accident.
Crossing road with an obstructed view
An accident can obviously happen when you are crossing the road with an obstructed view like the driver cannot recognize you.
When you are crossing the road without using any crosswalk, an accident can happen anytime. This is how people who walk on the road cause accident. After that, if you can make sure that the pedestrian did not maintain the road rules and caused an accident, you need to gather different types of evidence like a photo or video footage of the accident that you can get from the road’s cc tv. You can also take some statements from the eyewitnesses of that accident.
After that, you can easily apply for compensation to the insurance company. If the settlement is done without any hassle, then okay. Otherwise, you have to file a lawsuit against them. If you have a personal lawyer, he/she will help you to do everything here, and at the same time, s/he will make sure that you get the highest compensation.
So, these things mainly happen if a pedestrian caused an accident. Basically, this type of accident occurs only for not being careful on the road. If we follow all the rules carefully on the road, I think we can completely avoid these types of issues. Hopefully, you have got everything here that you want and know how to walk on the road. Basically, for this reason, we have discussed here the traffic rules for pedestrians. We all should maintain that when we are on the road.
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